1:10 pm
Last night as i lay in bed listening to Baby's breathing while she was awake, i counted that for every one of my breaths, she breathed 9 times! Later when she was asleep, i counted again. This time she breathed 4-5 times for every one of my breaths.
She is so warm and cuddly! It is so nice to feel her body against mine skin to skin. I like carrying her around in the carrying scarf.
I had this idea before that it shouldn't be too hard to get her to stop crying. Just test one after the other: giving her to Mommy's breast, changing her position, hugging, singing, bouncing with her etc. and see what works.
But it ain't that easy... She can be hungry, but then get frustrated when she can't get a good grip on the nipple or for some other reason and start crying heart-rendingly and then you can't really do much till she's calmed down for a new attempt. She's got powerful lungs for a newborn.
She seems to really like it when i sing to her. Several times she's calmed right down when i start singing "Baby, baby, baby, cuty beauty baby" and just making things up as i go along. Have a feeling she is going to be musical when she gets older!
Now it's time for breakfast!