Here is a picture of my darling during Christmas 2008 when we were visiting her folks upp in Dalarna, 2½ h NW of Stockholm.
A time of waiting...
Hi and welcome to our very very first blog!
This is dedicated to our first child who will be born any time now...
Mariel has completely exploded all ideas i have had about pregnant women.
She has taken the pregancy in stride and there has been such a flow in everything. No drama or complaining etc. She just radiates so much light and love and grace. I am amazed and floored...
But she eats like a horse! She eats loads and loads, probably 8-9 times a day. She is so cute when she comes over to my office every other hour, "Dana, are you hungry?" with a big grin... :-)
The expected due date was Jan 14th and we are now approaching two weeks over time. She has had mild contractions for a week and for the past few days, they have become more prominent.
Two nights ago, we both had difficulty sleeping, lots of tossing and turning. I started feeling angst about how life will be not getting enough sleep permanently... Just breathe and don't resist...
We went to our midwife yesterday and she said that the cervix is now gone and that the uterus was 2 cm open. For the child to be born the uterus must be around 10 cm (4") open.
Last night for the first time she experienced stronger more painful conctractions but they subsided when she went to bed and she got a good night's sleep. (Me, too!) :-)
Her sister Tara came here late last night in case. We want her to be present during the delivery as a doula ("A doula is an assistant who provides various forms of non-medical support (physical, emotional and informed choice) in the childbirth process." -Wikipedia)
Things are calm right now... Mariel went out for a walk and now she's resting.
This is dedicated to our first child who will be born any time now...
Mariel has completely exploded all ideas i have had about pregnant women.
She has taken the pregancy in stride and there has been such a flow in everything. No drama or complaining etc. She just radiates so much light and love and grace. I am amazed and floored...
But she eats like a horse! She eats loads and loads, probably 8-9 times a day. She is so cute when she comes over to my office every other hour, "Dana, are you hungry?" with a big grin... :-)
The expected due date was Jan 14th and we are now approaching two weeks over time. She has had mild contractions for a week and for the past few days, they have become more prominent.
Two nights ago, we both had difficulty sleeping, lots of tossing and turning. I started feeling angst about how life will be not getting enough sleep permanently... Just breathe and don't resist...
We went to our midwife yesterday and she said that the cervix is now gone and that the uterus was 2 cm open. For the child to be born the uterus must be around 10 cm (4") open.
Last night for the first time she experienced stronger more painful conctractions but they subsided when she went to bed and she got a good night's sleep. (Me, too!) :-)
Her sister Tara came here late last night in case. We want her to be present during the delivery as a doula ("A doula is an assistant who provides various forms of non-medical support (physical, emotional and informed choice) in the childbirth process." -Wikipedia)
Things are calm right now... Mariel went out for a walk and now she's resting.
Hej Dana...What a great idea this blog is! And what a change from when you were born Dana. Photos, usually b and w and maybe a tape recording of your voice was about all we could do. Hope to hear SOON that the little rascal is out and about and ready to start a wonderful life.
SvaraRaderaLove Mum