Today i biked with Talila for the first time! We were invited to some friends for dinner today, another family with 2 small children with another coming any day now. So on the spur of the moment, i thought, hey, let's bike there! They live about 20 minutes away by bike. So we did. I put T in the sling, zipped up my jacket and off we went. No problem, she slept the whole way.
It was pretty neat when we arrived there, 'cause we could show them first-hand about Natural Infant Hygiene. Talila soon woke up after the bike ride and i held her over the bathroom sink, said "psss" and she peed! Our hosts were impressed.
Cool nr 3: Just 2 hours ago i caught my first poop!
It's been pretty easy to catch certain pees but i have felt alot less sure about the poops.
Well, Talila was lying on my lap lengthwise, and then she started flailing with her arms and legs just a little more than usual. It suddenly occurred to me that she may need to poop. Whipped out the little bowl we have for this, held her in position and gave the cueing "Psss" sound. Nothing. Put her back on the diaper on my lap. Very soon i once again had the feeling "She's gonna poop!" It was quite strong this time although i couldn't explain how or why. I pulled out the bowl etc and lo and behold: she did a number 2! Cool!

Talila likes looking at lights...

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