I am so thankful to Mariel that in spite of her weakness and tiredness, that she doesn't "throw stuff" on me. I admire her ability to express her needs and desires in a matter-of-fact way without pleading, cajoling, admonishing or jibing etc. It makes things so much easier!
I feel torn between wanting to support her and help her and Talila as much as i can yet i need to work to make money as well....
We had a sharing last night and expressed where we were at and i see that there is a tendency in me to "be anxious for the morrow". It is my big lesson to not worry about the future. To simply do what i can and simply trust in Life/God that things will work out. (They always have looking back!)

We finally were instructed in a great way to wrap up Talila in the carrying scarf.
Last night she was awake for four hours at a stretch, from 12M to 4 am. Whew! She's turning our days upside down.
Over and out.
Not to worry about the future - whose big lesson is that not? :-) Thanks for sharing! Love, Svante