When i was working as a math teacher at Martinskolan, i had a 7th grade class whose home-room teacher was Karin Lindeberg. Now we've been thrown into a new constellation. Turns out, she left Martinskolan to work at the anthroposophic Vidar clinic as a children's nurse - and she has been assigned to us! She is very sweet and caring, Mariel and i really appreciated her home visit today.
Last summer, i met a woman with a 1½ year old baby who didn't need diapers. I was fascinated by this and i filmed her impromptu lecture on the subject. Our midwife introduced us to the book "Diaper-Free" which is really well-researched. What the consensus is, is that babies have a natural ability to control their elimination. They don't have words of course, but by tuning in to the baby's other modes of communication ( for example, suddenly stopping nursing, grunting or a certain stretching movement) you can catch them in time with a potty.
Gradually the baby can associate certain cuing noises like "sssss" for pee and, well, maybe "Plplp" for poop.
The whole thing is really fascinating so we're tuning in now to Baby's signals...
A name seems to be shaping up. We're going to test it for a few days first. Will let you all know as sooon as we know for sure!
Love to you all,
PS It is soooo wonderful to feel her little soft body against my chest...
Here is another photo: The angels of Love, Beauty, Serenity and Wisdom watch over Mommy and Baby.

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