When i came in this morning to the bedroom (last night spent in the guest room), and greeted Talila, she smiled! Not just a random thing but several times! Oh, my heart just exploded...
I gave her a bath yesterday, started out alright but then she stopped liking it and started crying. Aaaah! The sound was absolutely excrutiating being in the bathroom with tiled walls! Had to just grab her and run out. Next time i'm using earplugs!
Later Talila slid/fell out of Mariels arms onto the floor. Mariel was sitting on the sofa so it wasn't a long distance and she landed on a rug and no damage done, but oyoyoy she screamed like i've never heard her scream before! Like with every cell of her body... She calmed down pretty soon though, consoled with Mommy's breast.
Mariel discovered this fascinating article today about babies of certain Indians in South America:
Babies of the Yequana tribe, far from needing peace and quiet to go to sleep, snoozed blissfully whenever they were tired, while the men, women, or children carrying them danced, ran, walked, shouted, or paddled canoes. Toddlers played together without fighting or arguing, and they obeyed their elders instantly and willingly.
Babes in arms almost never cried and, fascinatingly, did not wave their arms, kick, arch their backs, or flex their hands and feet. They sat quietly in their slings or slept on someone's hip — exploding the myth that babies need to flex to "exercise." They also did not throw up unless extremely ill and did not suffer from colic. ... Without supervision, even the smallest tots rarely hurt themselves. ...
(from www.continuum-concept.org/reading/in-arms.html)
How is this possible? The author says its because the Indians carry their babies ALL the time from birth to when they start crawling! Really fascinating. We are buying the book The Continuum Concept and are going to look more into this...
Mariel has just come back from her stroll in the winter wonderland.
Signing off!
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